Life with 2!

It has been a while since I have posted. My hands and heart have been so full lately. As many of you know we welcomed our sweet baby girl, Siena Rose, on July 15th! It seems like she has never not been here! She has merged right into our hearts and family seamlessly. 

Vincent has taken to his new role as Big Brother with such grace and ease. He loves her so much and always wants her around. He loves sharing his toys with her (although doesn’t always love that she can now crawl over and take his cars), he loves sharing his snacks with her, helping feed her, pick out her clothes, and gives her the biggest hugs and kisses when he sees her every morning and after school. 

I have been giving myself space and grace where I can. Learning to split my time and focus between Vincent and Siena has been a balance. I want to make sure I still have the space and time to give Vincent the undivided attention he has been so use to WHILE also making sure Siena gets that special one-on-one time that Vincent got for so long. It has definitely been a learning curve. I try to focus as much on Siena as possible while Vincent is at school so when Vincent gets home I am able to focus more on him. While Siena sleeps I try to make sure Vincent is getting that special undivided attention. It can sometimes feel like I am juggling kids and my emotions, but we are definitely finding our special rhythm as a family. Trusting that I am being enough for both kids is hard, but something I am doing my best to do. 

I often think about all the special moments I was able to have with Vincent and all the attention I was able to give him because he was the only one for so long. I find myself feeling guilty that Siena doesn’t get that, that she “tags along” and often naps on the go. AND in the same breath I am honoring those feelings and letting them go. It is one of the most important things I have learned to do as a Stay at Home Mom of 2! 

Let go what I cannot control. Let go of my expectations. Let go of what I think things should look like. 

A few tips: 

  • Embrace the mess - the mess of emotions, the literal mess of the house, the mess of crayons, markers, paint and food everywhere, the mess of life with a 3.5yr old and 9 month old.

  • Enjoy the chaos - while I am in it, it is exhausting and there are moments of the day where I do not know left from right or up from down, but when I look at my phone at night and watch the sweet videos I have of Vincent & Siena playing together, laughing, rolling around together, there is absolutely no place I would rather be than in this chaos with these two.

  • Communication - I have to ask for help when I need it. This is a hard one for me and something I am learning to still do with Brian.

I love our little family with all my heart. It has been the biggest joy, greatest exhaustion, and the most special blessing to be able to be a mom to these two. 

Just wanted to let everyone know - the month of April, Beautycounter is offering 30% off to all new customers (Click the link and use code CLEANFORALL30)! This is a greater discount than my consultant discount! Also, if you become a band of beauty member ($29 for the year - does not auto renew) you can earn double product credit for the next 3 days! April 19th - April 21st! 

Been wanting to try something - now is the perfect time! 

AND anyone who joins as a Band of Beauty member in the month of April and makes a purchase of $100+ will be reimbursed the cost of membership ($29 by me via venmo).

Elizabeth St Peter