From eating disorders, being raped on her college campus, surviving a fatal car accident, to finding her true voice, a healthy and loving marriage, standing in her power and becoming a stay at home mom…

Elizabeth has many life experiences that offer wisdom and hope to many. She loves sharing her story and talking about how she went from playing small and a victim to creating and living the life she knew she always wanted. Elizabeth has a natural way of connecting with those of all ages and is available to speak at high schools, colleges, book clubs, moms groups and other events.

What people have said:

  • “Thank you so much. Your message opened my heart and mind to be the person I know I can be and allow myself to be ok with being me.”
    - Fresno State College Night

  • “One of the most helpful aspects about Elizabeth’s speech was her vulnerability. By genuinely sharing her story she helped me know and accept that I am not alone in my difficulties.”
    - Fresno State College Night

  • “I was so inspired by the whole speech. It helped me remember that I need to stop comparing myself to others and just be me.”
    - St. John Neuman College Group

Speaking Contact Form

Please don’t let finances stand in the way of reaching out to me! Contact me today and we can chat!