Happy 2020!
Happy 2020!
As I was reflecting on 2019, before ringing in the New Year and New Decade, I saw just how much I have to be grateful for. 2019 brought both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and a chance to navigate lots of uncharted waters. It was a year full of learning & growing, communicating & listening, family & love, and space & grace.
As some of you know, I am not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions – for me, they seem to be a set up. Instead I tend to set intentions for the year and focus on attracting and focusing on things in my life that are important to me. To me, the start of a new year feels like such a cleansing and rejuvenating time. A time to re-evaluate where you are, where you want to go, and how you may be able to get there. A time to take stock of your life and count your blessings.
One of the biggest blessings I learned in 2019 was “everything is a season”. The good times, the bad times, and everything in between. Once I was able to look at my struggles as a “season” it took a lot of the charge away from them. Knowing and trusting that good ole saying, “this too shall pass” is so hard, but something that I found much solace in throughout 2019.
2019 also brought me deeper into Motherhood. I have found that being a mom is learning about all the strengths ((and weaknesses)) I didn’t know I had and dealing with the fears I never knew existed. It has brought me a profound sense of self and selflessness I never thought was possible to achieve.
We’re a month into 2020, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already seen big ups and downs in your life. Maybe you had a resolution (or intention) you have already broken. Maybe you have not been the person you set out to be in 2020. Maybe January really threw you for a loop, and you’re having trouble getting back on track. While all these things may be great reasons to “give up” or “wait til next year”, I urge you to try again. Step back, look at your mess and count those blessings, set those intentions and start again. One of the best things I have learned over the years is that we don’t have to wait for a new year, a new month, a new week, or even a new day – you can change your thoughts, intentions, and direction at any time.
Wishing you a wonderful 2020! Let this year be the year you take a risk you’ve been waiting to take. Start something you have been putting off. Learn a lesson that keeps popping up in your life. Overcome a pattern that keeps showing up.
This is the beginning of anything you want!