Stay Safe & Allow Grace In

Katie Peterson | Elizabeth St Peter | Godspeed Mama

I just wanted to pop into your inbox and see how you all are doing? So much has changed so quickly, right?


Things are uncertain right now and often times it can feel like we have zero control over anything. 


While that is true for a lot of our circumstances right now, there is a lot we do have control over. The biggest being our emotional state and how we respond to things. This in turn directly effects how our babies, spouses, and friends feel. 


Have you ever come into contact with someone who was having the worst day and was super negative and allowed yourself to feel that as well?


Oppositely, have you ever come into contact with someone who is having the best day of their lives, laughing, happy, and radiating positive energy? 


In both circumstances, I have been changed by both. It is just as easy to get wrapped up in the negative as it is to be changed by the positive. What is harder, is staying positive amongst the negative. 


So how do we do this?


We have the ability to control how we feel and how we respond. You have the power to choose whether you are going to let the negativity take control of you or fight to help spread the positivity and calm that we need into the world right now. 


It is hard and I have to remind myself multiple times a day, but ultimately, I know that I control: 

-       My attitude

-       My health habits

-       How much news I watch

-       Creating my own fun at home

-       Allowing Space & Grace for myself and others

-       How I follow the CDC & WHO recommendation guidelines

-       What I choose to let into my mind and my energy field

-       My optimism 

-       Connecting and reaching out to friends


And, by me taking control and remembering the above, I am creating space for others to do the same! 


This Coronavirus Pandemic has been yet another crash course in surrendering. Surrendering and letting go of the things that are out of our control and taking claim and standing in my power to the things that are. If you haven’t learned this in motherhood yet, here is another opportunity for you. Isn’t it funny how that works? I have come to realize that if I don’t learn something the first time, God tends to send me multiple opportunities until I get it and understand it. 


So, during this crazy and unknown time, I am choosing to focus on the things that I can control.

-       Taking the time to call and connect with friends and family. 

-       Slowing down and enjoying the time with my family. 

-       Spreading the love and not fear. 

-       Staying positive.

-       Staying home to keep everyone safe. 


What are you doing during this forced pause button? 

Elizabeth St Peter