Godspeed, Mama


Hi mamas, thanks for stopping by!

I’m Elizabeth, stay at home mom to our son Vincent who is 5 months, and as you’ll see periodically our nutty, hyper, and best big brother dog ever, Walker. If you’ve been here before you know what I’m all about; empowerment, standing in your power & truth, being your best self, living your best life, and sharing your most authentic voice. Phew – that’s a lot, right? It’s so hard to do all of these things but with lots of practice, failing, and pulling my foot out of my own mouth, I am determined to make these things happen in my life every day.

A lot has changed since I published my book in July of 2017. My husband and I got married, we moved from California to Minnesota, and we had a baby! Lot of changes. And, with those changes there have been a lot of ups and downs and lots of new learnings! The biggest and best new journey and change has been motherhood.

I have always wanted to be a mom, ever since I was a little girl, I knew I was destined to be a mother. But what I didn’t know and what no book can really prepare you for, in addition to all the joy and excitement you know you will experience, is how hard, exhausting, and overwhelming it can be. I have learned SO much more about myself, my voice, my relationship with my husband, marriage, etc in the short 5 months my son has been alive than I have learned in the 33 years I have been alive.

In talking to new moms and with other friends of mine who are mothers I have heard the need for all of these things to be talked about. How they are scared to admit things or feel shamed when talking about the nonpositive emotions of motherhood. This is where Godspeed, Mama was born. Godspeed means; An expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey. Motherhood is the ultimate journey and all of us mamas could use all the “good wishes” we can get. So, this blog and my Instagram page was born from a place of truth and authenticity. I promise to share with you a real and raw look of motherhood. All the good, the bad, the messy, the frustrating, the joy, and everything else in between! I will pull the curtain back and let you in to everything I have experienced and will experience to help others who may be going through the same thing but cannot find the words or the strength to speak about it. Most likely with no makeup, hair up, and in my workout clothes, because let’s be honest, that is motherhood!

In the next few weeks I hope to share with you more about my birth story, those first few weeks home, watching my husband become a father, being a stay at home mom, the mom guilt, the mental load, importance of your village, and so much more! Motherhood is the best, most rewarding, and most difficult and scary club you can join. So, I am here to be a part of your village. Because, ladies (and men) and everyone in between, it really truly does take a village!

Godspeed, Mama!

Elizabeth St Peter